Resisting Nuclear Annihilation: Dangers and Actions

Join the Syracuse Peace Council, Back From the Brink, and Peace Action of New York State in a free zoom webinar about what we can do to fight for nuclear disarmament. Wednesday Jan 22nd, 7PM-8:30PM.

Register to attend the free zoom here

Featuring four speakers:

David Cortright, the former executive director of SANE, active participant in the nuclear freeze movement in the 1980s, author and editor of several books, and visiting scholar at Cornell University.

Diane Swords, a long time anti-nuclear activist organizing public education, legislative and divestment campaigns nationally with Back from the Brink, Peace Action, and with the Syracuse Peace Council.

Rishi Gurudevan, the founder of Students for Nuclear Disarmament, a national non-partisan 501(c)(3) dedicated to raising awareness in younger generations about nuclear war, and senior at Phillips Exeter Academy.

Larry Wittner, professor of History Emeritus at SUNY Albany, former president of the Peace History Society, and the author of Confronting the Bomb and several other works on nuclear disarmament.

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We particularly appreciate the monthly and quarterly pledges made by over 70 people who recognize that stable funding is crucial to an organization such as the Peace Council. You can set up a recurring monthly donation via PayPal and many financial institutions.

For more information on how to donate, click here.

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